Merge Selections (AND / OR / NOT logic)

Embrace the power of OSCAR 4 to build advanced merged selection using the AND / OR / NOT logic.

Attributes within OSCAR 4 are normally AND’ed together. This means that as you move down the left-hand-side menu selecting attributes, they are added to the overall selection with AND logic. (Contacts in this country, AND that department, AND companies of that size, AND those contacts that have email etc.)

Let’s assume your brief is to supply Marketing and Operations contacts, with email, in the UK, within companies that have up to £5m turnover, OR within companies that have up to 50 employees.

If you were to make that selection all at once as one audience, you would get contacts within companies that have £5m turnover AND up to 50 employees, instead of OR.

So we have to utilise the MERGE function with the appropriate logic to build the desired selection.

  1. Build the selection for Marketing and Operations contacts, with email, in the UK, within companies that have up to £5m turnover, and save it.
  2. Then modify the selection by removing the turnover selection and then adding the employee bands. Then save that as a new selection.
  3. You will now have 2 separate selections for this audience ready for merging.
  4. Select the searches that you wish to merge
  5. Click the dropdown on the merge options, and select OR
  6. Click “Merge” to merge the selections
OSCAR4 - Quick Tips - Merge Selections

You will now have a new selection comprising of selection 1 OR selection 2, with a new total of the combined unique records. You can then rename it if required, and proceed to create reports and export data etc as usual.

OSCAR4 - Quick Tips - Merge Selections

This filter logic is incredibly powerful, empowering you to create and combine a range of different selections. You can use NOT logic to select a desired audience and NOT include other selections which may clash with or crossover your existing audience.

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